Wednesday, October 23 |
PG Course 1 Critical Care Medicine - Home Mechanical Ventilation |
Wednesday, October 23,
13:30-15:00 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Jae Hwa Cho (Yonsei University, Korea) | |
13:30-14:00 |
How to Set Ventilators for Different Diseases
Moon Seong Baek (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
14:00-14:30 |
Active Versus Passive Circuits
Youjin Chang (Inje University, Korea)
14:30-15:00 |
Troubleshooting for Home Mechanical Ventilation
Su Hwan Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)
International Network Meeting 1 COPD - Cohort Study on COPD: Where Have We Reached So Far and What Are the Next Steps? |
Wednesday, October 23,
13:30-15:00 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Deog Kyeom Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) | |
13:30-13:50 |
COPD Genetic Cohort Studies: Past, Present, and Future?
Michael Cho (Harvard Medical School, USA)
13:50-14:10 |
Lessons from the National COPD Cohort
Kang-Yun Lee (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
14:10-14:30 |
Shaping the Current and the Next Ten Years' Blueprint of KOCOSS Cohort in Korea
Youlim Kim (Konkuk University, Korea)
14:30-15:00 |
Q&A, Panel Discussion - Speakers & *Panelists
Michael Cho (Harvard Medical School, USA)
Kang-Yun Lee (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan) Youlim Kim (Konkuk University, Korea) *Chang Youl Lee (Hallym University, Korea) *Hye Yun Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) |
PG Course 2 Lung Cancer - Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer |
Wednesday, October 23,
13:30-15:00 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Seung Hun Jang (Hallym University, Korea) | |
13:30-13:55 |
State of the Art Bronchoscopic Techniques for Diagnosis
June Hong Ahn (Yeungnam University, Korea)
13:55-14:20 |
Comprehensive Staging Workup and Decision of Resectability
Sun Hyo Park (Keimyung University, Korea)
14:20-14:45 |
Introduction to the 9th Edition of TNM Classification
Heejoung Kim (Konkuk University, Korea)
14:45-15:00 |
Q&A, Discussion
International Network Meeting 2 Environmental Lung Disease - Climate Change and Respiratory Medicine |
Wednesday, October 23,
13:30-15:00 EMERALD |
Chair | Woo Jin Kim (Kangwon National University, Korea) | |
13:30-14:00 |
Climate & Wildfires: Molecular Data for Lung Defense
Min Hyung Ryu (University of British Columbia, Canada)
14:00-14:30 |
Climate Change, Wildfire and Respiratory Medicine in South Korea
Woo Jin Kim (Kangwon National University, Korea)
14:30-15:00 |
Panel Discussion - Speakers & *Panelists
Min Hyung Ryu (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Woo Jin Kim (Kangwon National University, Korea) *Jeong Woong Park (Gachon University, Korea) |
Educational Session [Korean] 한국어교육세션 |
Wednesday, October 23,
13:30-17:00 PEARL |
Chair | 박성주 (전북의대) | |
13:30-14:00 |
폐이식 전후 중환자 관리
여혜주 (부산의대)
14:00-14:30 |
수면호흡장애의 진단 및 치료
박순민 (연세원주의대)
14:30-15:00 |
복합폐섬유폐기종의 임상적 특징
제갈양진 (울산의대)
15:00-15:30 |
Break (30 min)
15:30-16:00 |
폐암 치료 도중 만나게 되는 치료와 연관된 간질성 폐렴: 진단과 치료
신아영 (가톨릭의대)
16:00-16:30 |
임상 현장에서 NTM 환자 진료하기
박영목 (연세의대)
16:30-17:00 |
생물학적 제제의 기도 질환에 적용: 대상, 사용 약물, 투여 방법, 모니터링 방법
주현수 (가톨릭의대)
PG Course 3 ILD - Interstitial Lung Diseases: State of the Art |
Wednesday, October 23,
13:30-15:30 RUBY+JADE |
Chair | Moo Suk Park (Yonsei University, Korea) | |
13:30-13:50 |
How to Approach and Diagnose ILD?
Eun Joo Lee (Korea University, Korea)
13:50-14:10 |
Key HRCT Findings in ILDs for Pulmonologists
Boda Nam (Soonchunhyang University, Korea)
14:10-14:30 |
Update on IPF: Diagnosis and Treatment
Song Yee Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
14:30-14:50 |
Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis: Current Evidence and Future Directions
Jesse Roman (ATS Treasurer, Thomas Jefferson University, USA)
14:50-15:10 |
Update on Sarcoidosis: Focusing on Guidelines
Hong-Joon Shin (Chonnam National University, Korea)
15:10-15:30 |
Diagnosis and Treatment of CTD-ILD
Toru Arai (NHO Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center, Japan)
International Network Meeting 3 TB-NTM Pulmonary Disease - Toward the Understanding of Tuberculosis in North Korea |
Wednesday, October 23,
15:30-17:00 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Jae Ho Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) | |
15:30-15:45 |
The Trend of TB Indicators in North Korea
Young Ae Kang (Yonsei University, Korea)
15:45-16:05 |
Tuberculosis Burden and Impact of Mass Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening Program for North Korean Refugees
Hongjo Choi (Korea University, Korea)
16:05-16:30 |
Achievement and Challenges of International Support for TB Response in North Korea
Suvanand Sahu (STOP TB Partnership, Switzerland)
16:30-16:45 |
Support for Tuberculosis in North Korea
Hyeryun Lee (Ministry of Unification, Korea)
16:45-17:00 |
Q&A, Discussion
International Network Meeting 4 Asthma - The State of Severe Asthma by Region as Seen Through the International Severe Asthma Registry (ISAR) |
Wednesday, October 23,
15:30-17:00 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Seong Yong Lim (KATRD Director of the Scientific Board, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) | |
15:30-15:50 |
Severe Asthma in Germany: What Have We Learned?
Roland Buhl (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany)
15:50-16:10 |
ISAR in Taiwan 2024: What Have We Learned?
Diahn-Warng Perng (Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan)
16:10-16:30 |
Severe Asthma in Korea
Ji-Yong Moon (Hanyang University, Korea)
16:30-17:00 |
Q&A, Panel Discussion - Speakers & *Panelists
Roland Buhl (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany)
Diahn-Warng Perng (Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan) Ji-Yong Moon (Hanyang University, Korea) *Hyun Lee (Hanyang University, Korea) *Sun Hye Shin (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) |
PG Course 4 (Hands-on) Session registration is required. Bronchoscopy - Medical Thoracoscopy |
Wednesday, October 23,
15:30-18:00 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Sang Haak Lee (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea) | |
15:30-15:45 |
Introduction of Medical Thoracoscopy
Jaeyoung Cho (Seoul National University, Korea)
15:45-16:00 |
Clinical tips in Medical Thoracoscopy
Jick Hwan Ha (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
16:00-18:00 |
Hands-on Session at outside the venue (Asan Medical Center)
Topics |
Semi-rigid Medical Thoracoscopy Medical Thoracoscopy Using Flexible Bronchoscopy Rigid Medical Thoracoscopy |
Tutors |
Soo Han Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)
Hyun Woo Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) Jung-Kyu Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) Jick Hwan Ha (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea) Yu Jin Hong (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea) Jaeyoung Cho (Seoul National University, Korea) |
The hands-on session will be conducted outside the venue at Asan Medical Center after two lectures. |
Satellite Symposium 1![]() |
Wednesday, October 23,
17:15-18:15 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Woo Jin Kim (Kangwon National University, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
First Step in COPD – Journey with Vahelva
Wisia Wedzicha (Imperial College London, UK)
Satellite Symposium 2![]() |
Wednesday, October 23,
17:15-18:15 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Jeong Woong Park (Gachon University, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
Clinical Remission - Beyond the Standard Treatment Goal in Asthma
Takuro Sakagami (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Satellite Symposium 3![]() |
Wednesday, October 23,
17:15-18:15 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Jae Chol Choi (Chung-Ang University, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
New Paradigm Shift: The Novel Approach to Tuberculosis Treatment
Yong-Soo Kwon (Chonnam National University, Korea)
Satellite Symposium 4![]() |
Wednesday, October 23,
17:15-18:15 EMERALD |
Chair | Seung Won Ra (University of Ulsan, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
SAD in Asthma and COPD
Diahn-Warng Perng (Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan)
Thursday, October 24 |
Meet the Expert 1. Asthma Session registration is required. |
Thursday, October 24,
07:30-08:15 PEARL |
Chair | Yong Il Hwang (Hallym University, Korea) | |
07:30-08:15 |
Asthma Management in the Era of Personalized Treatment
Gregory King (Royal North Shore Hospital, Australia)
Meet the Expert 2. ILD Session registration is required. |
Thursday, October 24,
07:30-08:15 RUBY |
Chair | Hyunkyung Lee (Inje University, Korea) | |
07:30-08:15 |
Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Ganesh Raghu (University of Washington, USA)
Opening Ceremony |
Thursday, October 24,
08:30-08:40 CRYSTAL |
Plenary Session 1 |
Thursday, October 24,
08:40-10:10 CRYSTAL |
Chairs |
Man Pyo Chung (KATRD Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) Tae Sun Shim (KATRD Vice-President, University of Ulsan, Korea) |
08:40-09:10 |
CPAP for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. For Whom and When?
Silke Ryan (ERS President, University College Dublin, Ireland)
09:10-09:40 |
What We Have Learned about ARDS
Laurent Brochard (University of Toronto, Canada)
09:40-10:10 |
Precision Medicine in Severe Asthma
Chin Kook Rhee (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
Symposium 01 Airway - Inflammation in Chronic Airway Disease |
Thursday, October 24,
10:30-12:00 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Yeon-Mok Oh (University of Ulsan, Korea) | |
10:30-11:00 |
Inflammation vs. Infection in Bronchiectasis
Hayoung Choi (Hallym University, Korea)
11:00-11:30 |
Clinical Importance of Mucus Plug in Airway Disease
Soo-Jung Um (Dong-A University, Korea)
11:30-12:00 |
CT-based Inflammatory Phenotypes in COPD
Ho Yun Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Symposium 04 ILD 1 - Recent Updates on Rare Lung Disease |
Thursday, October 24,
10:30-12:00 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Jin Woo Song (University of Ulsan, Korea) | |
10:30-11:00 |
Recent Advances in Risk Prediction and Management of SSc-ILD
Nicole Goh (Austin Hospital, Australia)
11:00-11:30 |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Hyung Koo Kang (Inje University, Korea)
11:30-12:00 |
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis; Treatment Update by Clinical Trials
Toru Arai (NHO Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center, Japan)
Symposium 07 ERS-KATRD Joint Symposium Lung Cancer 1 - Management of Oligometastatic NSCLC |
Thursday, October 24,
10:30-12:00 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Sung Yong Lee (Korea University, Korea) | |
10:30-11:00 |
Focusing on the Current Landscape in Europe
Joao Pereira (Coimbra University Hospital Centre, Portugal)
11:00-11:30 |
Focusing on the Radiation Oncologist Perspective
Kyung Hwan Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
11:30-12:00 |
Case Presentation & Discussion
Mi-Hyun Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)
Luncheon Symposium 1![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
12:00-12:30 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Yangjin Jegal (University of Ulsan, Korea) | |
12:00-12:30 |
Optimal Management in Fibrosing ILD
Nicole Goh (Austin Hospital, Australia)
Luncheon Symposium 2![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
12:00-12:30 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Seong Yong Lim (KATRD Director of the Scientific Board, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) | |
12:00-12:30 |
Airway Inflammation and Remodeling in Severe Asthma
Gregory King (Royal North Shore Hospital, Australia)
Luncheon Symposium 3![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
12:00-12:30 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Jin Woo Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea) | |
12:00-12:30 |
Diagnosis and Management of Acute Bronchitis
Hyun Lee (Hanyang University, Korea)
Luncheon Symposium 4![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
12:00-12:30 EMERALD |
Chair | Yong Chul Lee (Jeonbuk National University, Korea) | |
12:00-12:30 |
Benralizumab: The German Experience
Roland Buhl (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany)
Symposium 02 COPD 1 - From the Beginning to the End for COPD Treatment |
Thursday, October 24,
13:30-15:00 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Kwang Ha Yoo (Konkuk University, Korea) | |
13:30-14:00 |
What Is the Initial Therapy for COPD Patients?
Hye Yun Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
14:00-14:30 |
Update on COPD Exacerbations
Wisia Wedzicha (Imperial College London, UK)
14:30-15:00 |
Is There a Role for Biological Therapy in COPD?
Dave Singh (University of Manchester, UK)
Symposium 05 ERS-KATRD Joint Symposium ILD 2 - Best Practice in the Management of Fibrosing ILD |
Thursday, October 24,
13:30-15:00 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Sung Woo Park (Soonchunhyang University, Korea) | |
13:30-14:00 |
Pharmacological Management in IPF: Current landscape, Lessons Learnt From Recent Clinical Trials
Ganesh Raghu (University of Washington, USA)
14:00-14:30 |
Antifibrotic Therapy in non-IPF ILD: How and When
Yong Hyun Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
14:30-15:00 |
Non-Pharmacological Management of Fibrosing ILD
Laura Fabbri (Imperial College London, UK)
Symposium 08 Lung Cancer 2 - The Era of Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant IO: Challenges and Opportunities |
Thursday, October 24,
13:30-15:00 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Kye Young Lee (Konkuk University, Korea) | |
13:30-14:00 |
Current Status and Future Perspective of Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant IO
Rina Hui (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
14:00-14:30 |
Assessment of Pathologic Response and Post-Resection Treatment Decisions
Kang-Yun Lee (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
14:30-15:00 |
Critical Decision in Stage III NSCLC Treatment Resection or Chemoradiation
James Chih-Hsin Yang (National Taiwan University Cancer Center, Taiwan)
Case Discussion 1 Critical Care Medicine - Challenging Cases in Critical Care |
Thursday, October 24,
13:30-15:00 EMERALD |
Chair | Won-Yeon Lee (Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea) | |
13:30-13:50 |
ARDS Treated with Helmet NIV
Jung Soo Kim (Inha University, Korea)
13:50-14:10 |
MV in RV Failure
Won-Young Kim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
14:10-14:30 |
ANCA-associated DAH
Jin Won Huh (University of Ulsan, Korea)
14:30-15:00 |
Q&A, Panel Discussion - Speakers & *Panelists
Jung Soo Kim (Inha University, Korea)
Won-Young Kim (Chung-Ang University, Korea) Jin Won Huh (University of Ulsan, Korea) *Kyeongman Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) *Sunghoon Park (Hallym University, Korea) |
Symposium 03 Environmental Lung Disease - AI and Wearables in Air Pollution and Respiratory Disease |
Thursday, October 24,
15:30-17:00 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Hyoung-Kyu Yoon (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea) | |
15:30-16:00 |
Prediction of Effect of Air Pollution on Chronic Lung Disease
Chin Kook Rhee (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
16:00-16:30 |
Wearable Devices Utilized in a Living Lab
Ji Ye Jung (Yonsei University, Korea)
16:30-17:00 |
Multi-omics Association Analysis in Pulmonary Diseases
Sungho Won (Seoul National University, Korea)
Symposium 06 Pulmonary Vascular Disease - Current Guideline and Future Perspective in Pulmonary Vascular Disease |
Thursday, October 24,
15:30-17:00 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Moo Suk Park (Yonsei University, Korea) | |
15:30-16:00 |
The Perioperative Management of Patients on Chronic Oral Anticoagulants
Alex C. Spyropoulos (Northwell Health, USA)
16:00-16:30 |
Pharmacological and Mechanical Thromboprophylaxis in Critically Ill Patients in ICU
Ji Eun Park (Ajou University, Korea)
16:30-17:00 |
Upfront Triple Combination Therapy in Patients with PAH
Jang Ho Lee (University of Ulsan, Korea)
Symposium 09 Bronchoscopy - Clinical Pearls in Bronchoscopy |
Thursday, October 24,
15:30-17:00 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Kyung Jong Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) | |
15:30-16:00 |
Adoption of the ION Platform for Lung Nodule Sampling: Single Center Experience
Tao He (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
16:00-16:30 |
Bronchoscopic Peripheral Cryo Biopsy, When and How
Seung Hyun Yong (Yonsei University, Korea)
16:30-17:00 |
Rigid Bronchoscopy for Benign Airway Tumors
Byeong-Ho Jeong (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Case Discussion 2 [Korean] ILD and Lung Cancer - ILD Case Based on Multidisciplinary Discussion |
Thursday, October 24,
15:30-17:00 EMERALD |
Chair | Sung Hwan Jeong (Gachon University, Korea) | |
15:30-17:00 |
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Challenges and Strategies in Managing Lung Cancer in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease Panel Discussion |
Panelists |
Eun Young Kim (Yonsei University , Korea)
Hyunkyung Lee (Inje University, Korea) Jae Myoung Noh (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) Jin Gu Lee (Yonsei University , Korea) Jung-Hwa Hwang (Soonchunhyang University, Korea) |
Satellite Symposium 5![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
17:15-18:15 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Jin Hwa Lee (Ewha Womans University, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
Managment of COPD-I
Chin Kook Rhee (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
Satellite Symposium 6![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
17:15-18:15 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | TaeWon Jang (Kosin University, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
Advancing Towards a Cure for R-NSCLC: ADAURA & AEGEAN
June Hong Ahn (Yeungnam University, Korea)
Satellite Symposium 7![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
17:15-18:15 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Man Pyo Chung (KATRD Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
Treatment of Systemic Sclerosis-Associated ILD
Ganesh Raghu (University of Washington, USA)
Satellite Symposium 8![]() |
Thursday, October 24,
17:15-18:15 EMERALD |
Chair | Young-Chul Kim (Chonnam National University, Korea) | |
17:15-18:15 |
Optimal Strategy for Early NSCLC: KN671 Pembrolizumab Perioperative Treatment
Chaeuk Chung (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Friday, October 25 |
Meet the Expert 3. Lung Cancer Session registration is required. |
Friday, October 25,
07:30-08:15 PEARL |
Chair | Young-Chul Kim (Chonnam National University, Korea) | |
07:30-08:15 |
The Expanding Role of Targeted Therapy in Nonmetastatic NSCLC
James Chih-Hsin Yang (National Taiwan University Cancer Center, Taiwan)
Meet the Expert 4. COPD Session registration is required. |
Friday, October 25,
07:30-08:15 RUBY |
Chair | Joohun Park (Ajou University, Korea) | |
07:30-08:15 |
Advances in COPD Pharmacological Treatment
Dave Singh (University of Manchester, UK)
Plenary Session 2 |
Friday, October 25,
08:30-10:00 CRYSTAL |
Chairs |
Jae Yong Park (KATRD President, Kyungpook National University, Korea) Jae Ho Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) |
08:30-09:00 |
Optimization of Treatment of EGFR Mutant Lung Cancer Beyond Third Generation TKI
James Ho (APSR 2024 President, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
09:00-09:30 |
The Importance of Early COPD
Wisia Wedzicha (Imperial College London, UK)
09:30-10:00 |
The Aging Lung and Pulmonary Fibrosis
Jesse Roman (ATS Treasurer, Thomas Jefferson University, USA)
Symposium 10 Pulmonary Rehabilitation - Cutting-Edge Approaches in Pulmonary Rehabilitation: From Personalized tests to Digital Therapeutics |
Friday, October 25,
10:20-11:50 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Won-Yeon Lee (Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea) | |
10:20-10:50 |
Personalized Utility of Field Walking Tests in Assessing the Effectiveness of Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Seung Won Ra (University of Ulsan, Korea)
10:50-11:20 |
A Dive into Advanced Non-Invasive Assessment of Respiratory Muscle
Tai Joon An (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
11:20-11:50 |
Digital Therapeutics in Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Hee-Eun Choi (Inje University, Korea)
Symposium 13 TB-NTM Pulmonary Disease |
Friday, October 25,
10:20-11:50 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Jae-Joon Yim (Seoul National University, Korea) | |
10:20-10:50 |
TDM for NTM Treatment
Yong-Soon Cho (Inje University, Korea)
10:50-11:20 |
Surgical Management of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease (NTM-PD)
Junghee Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
11:20-11:50 |
Management of Refractory Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease
Nakwon Kwak (Seoul National University, Korea)
Symposium 16 ATS-KATRD Joint Symposium Critical Care Medicine 1 - Updates in Noninvasive Respiratory Therapy |
Friday, October 25,
10:20-11:50 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Gee Young Suh (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) | |
10:20-10:50 |
Noninvasive Respiratory Support in 2024
Laurent Brochard (University of Toronto, Canada)
10:50-11:20 |
Redefining ARDS: A New Clinical Perspective
Yeonjoo Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
11:20-11:50 |
Emerging Imaging Modalities in Pulmonary Medicine: EIT
Chi Ryang Chung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Report of KATRD Research Grant 연구비발표 [KOR] |
Friday, October 25,
10:20-11:00 EMERALD |
Chair | 김덕겸 (서울의대) | |
10:20-10:30 |
노쇠와 근감소증 영향 평가를 위한 만성폐쇄성폐질환 전향적 코호트 구축
안태준 (가톨릭의대)
10:30-10:40 |
급성 천식 마우스 모델에서 미세 플라스틱의 노출에 따른 영향 분석
최준영 (가톨릭의대)
10:40-10:50 |
다기관 등록사업을 통한 희귀 폐질환 환자의 임상특성 및 바이오마커 분석
송진우 (울산의대)
10:50-11:00 |
만성 기도 질환자에서 코로나19 확진 전후의 임상 양상 비교 분석
문지용 (한양의대)
Luncheon Symposium 5![]() |
Friday, October 25,
11:50-12:20 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Sung-Chul Lim (Chonnam National University, Korea) | |
11:50-12:20 |
Treating to Prevent COPD: A Novel Concept
Jean Bourbeau (McGill University Health Centre, Canada)
Luncheon Symposium 6![]() |
Friday, October 25,
11:50-12:20 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Hyoung-Kyu Yoon (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea) | |
11:50-12:20 |
Triple Extra-fine formulation benefits
Dave Singh (University of Manchester, UK)
Luncheon Symposium 7![]() |
Friday, October 25,
11:50-12:20 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Sung Yong Lee (Korea University, Korea) | |
11:50-12:20 |
Paradigm Shift for Resectable NSCLC : Pembrolizumab Perioperative Treatment
Rina Hui (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Luncheon Symposium 8![]() |
Friday, October 25,
11:50-12:20 EMERALD |
Chair | Kwang Ha Yoo (Konkuk University, Korea) | |
11:50-12:20 |
Update of Comorbidity in Asthma
Chin Kook Rhee (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
KATRD General Assembly * KATRD Members Only |
Friday, October 25,
13:30-14:30 CRYSTAL 1 |
Symposium 11 ATS-KATRD Joint Symposium COPD 2 - Contemporary Concerns Pertaining to the Clinical Treatment of Airway Disorders |
Friday, October 25,
14:40-16:10 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | Yong Beom Park (Hallym University, Korea) | |
14:40-15:10 |
Omic Studies of Chronic Bronchitis and Mucus Plugging
Michael Cho (Harvard Medical School, USA)
15:10-15:40 |
Airway inflammation in COPD- Next Step Towards the Precision Medicine
Jean Bourbeau (McGill University Health Centre, Canada)
15:40-16:10 |
New Treatment for Bronchiectasis: Anti-inflammation
Yeon-Mok Oh (University of Ulsan, Korea)
Symposium 14 Miscellaneous - Emerging Insights in Pulmonary Medicine: Diagnostic Challenges and Risk Assessments |
Friday, October 25,
14:40-16:10 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Myung Goo Lee (Hallym University, Korea) | |
14:40-15:10 |
Risk Assessment of Venous Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Medical Patients
Alex C. Spyropoulos (Northwell Health, USA)
15:10-15:40 |
Basic Understanding of Multi-omics in Lung Disease
Hyun Je Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
15:40-16:10 |
Undiagnosed Pleural Effusion with a High Adenosine Deaminase Level
Jick Hwan Ha (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
Symposium 17 Critical Care Medicine 2 - Cutting-edge Strategies for Ventilator Weaning |
Friday, October 25,
14:40-16:10 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Sunghoon Park (Hallym University, Korea) | |
14:40-15:10 |
Lessons from Recent Research
Jae Young Moon (Chungnam National University, Korea)
15:10-15:40 |
Rethinking Weaning Failure: Causes and Management
Woo Hyun Cho (Pusan National University, Korea)
15:40-16:10 |
Korean Guidelines of Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation in Critically Ill Patients
So Young Park (Hallym University, Korea)
Symposium 19 [Korean] TB Course for Frontline Clinicians 1 일선진료의를 위한 결핵 강좌 1 – 결핵 관리, 분자미생물 검사, Post TB |
Friday, October 25,
14:40-16:10 EMERALD |
Chair | 심태선 (KATRD 부회장, 울산의대) | |
14:40-15:10 |
PPM수집 자료를 활용한 지표 분석 소개
김주상 (가톨릭의대)
15:10-15:40 |
결핵 진단의 분자 미생물 검사
김영진 (경희의대)
15:40-16:10 |
결핵 후 폐질환
민진수 (가톨릭의대)
Symposium 12 Asthma - An In-depth Clinical Journey into Severe Asthma |
Friday, October 25,
16:20-17:50 CRYSTAL 1 |
Chair | An Soo Jang (Soonchunhyang University, Korea) | |
16:20-16:50 |
Clinical Remission in Severe Asthma: Is It a Concept That Can Be Applied in Practice?
Roland Buhl (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany)
16:50-17:20 |
The Role of Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonists (LAMA) in Severe Asthma
Chang Youl Lee (Hallym University, Korea)
17:20-17:50 |
Current Perspectives on Severe Non-eosinophilic Asthma
Seong Yong Lim (KATRD Director of the Scientific Board, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Symposium 15 Cough - Recent Updates on Chronic Cough |
Friday, October 25,
16:20-17:50 CRYSTAL 2 |
Chair | Jin Woo Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea) | |
16:20-16:50 |
Techniques for Assessing and Monitoring Cough
Kyoung Min Moon (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
16:50-17:20 |
Biomarkers for Treatable Traits of Chronic Cough
Jinkyeong Park (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
17:20-17:50 |
Cough Associated with Structural Lung Disease
Tai Joon An (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
Symposium 18 Infection - Up-to-Date of CAP Management |
Friday, October 25,
16:20-17:50 CRYSTAL 3 |
Chair | Kyeongman Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) | |
16:20-16:50 |
Rapid Syndromic PCR Testing for CAP in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Jae Kyeom Sim (Korea University, Korea)
16:50-17:20 |
Role of Macrolide in the Management of CAP
Taehwa Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)
17:20-17:50 |
Monotherapy or Combination Therapy for Hospitalised Patients with CAP
Jihye Lee (Soonchunhyang University, Korea)
Symposium 20 [Korean] TB Course for Frontline Clinicians 2 일선진료의를 위한 결핵 강좌 2 - 결핵 치료 |
Friday, October 25,
16:20-17:50 EMERALD |
Chair | 박재석 (단국의대) | |
16:20-16:50 |
약제 감수성 결핵의 치료
이재희 (경북의대)
16:50-17:20 |
약제 내성 결핵의 치료
목정하 (부산의대)
17:20-17:50 |
잠복결핵감염의 치료
조경욱 (울산의대)
Closing Ceremony |
Friday, October 25,
17:50-18:20 CRYSTAL 1 |