- KATRD 2023 International Conference
November 8(Thu)-10(Fri), 2023 Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Kore
- KATRDIC 2023
- President
Chul-Gyu Yoo, M.D. (Seoul National University)
- Vice-President
Young-Chul Kim, M.D. (Chonnam National University)
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Man Pyo Chung, M.D. (Sungkyunkwan University)
- Auditor
- Jae Yeol Kim, M.D. (Chung-Ang University)
- Kang Hyeon Choe, M.D. ( Chungbuk National University)
- Director of the General Business Board
Yong Bum Park, M.D. (Hallym University)
- Director of the Treasury Board
Do-Jin Kim, M.D. (Soonchunhyang University)
- Director of the Scientific Board
Seong Yong Lim, M.D. (Sungkyunkwan University)
- Director of the Editorial Board
- Chin Kook Rhee, M.D. (The Catholic University of Korea)
- Director of the Examination Board
Yeon-Mok Oh, M.D. (University of Ulsan)
- Director of the Training Board
- Haesook Seo, M.D. (Seoul Metropolitan Government
Seobuk Hospital & Seoul Infectious Disease Research Center)
- Director of the Educational Board
- Sang-Min Lee, M.D. (Seoul National University)
- Director of the Insurance Affairs Board
- Yong-Il Hwang, M.D. (Hallym University)
- Director of the Information Board
- Sung Yong Lee, M.D. (Korea University)
- Director of the Public Relations
- Cheon Woong Choi, M.D. (Kyunghee University)
- Director (Spokesperson)
- Jin Woo Kim, M.D. (The Catholic University of Korea)
- Director of the International Cooperation Committee
- Moo Suk Park, M.D. (Yonsei University)
- Director of Relations & Development
- Seung Hun Jang, M.D. (Hallym University)
- Director of the Legislation & Ethics Board
- Sang Haak Lee, M.D. (The Catholic University of Korea)
- Director of Medical Terminology
- Yu-Il Kim, M.D. (Chonnam National University)
- Director of Guideline Control Committee
- Jae Chol Choi, M.D. (Chung-Ang University)
- Director of the Planning Board
- Chang-Min Choi, M.D. (University of Ulsan)
- Director of the Research Board
- Deog Kyeom Kim, M.D. (Seoul National University)
- Director of the Disaster Management Board
- Chi Young Jung, M.D. (Daegu Catholic University)
- Director without Portfolio
- Kwang Ha Yoo, M.D. (Konkuk University)
- Won-Yeon Lee, M.D. (Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine)
- Sung Soo Jung, M.D. (Chungnam National University)
- Sung Ho Yoon, M.D. (Chosun University)
- Jin Hwa Lee, M.D. (Ewha Womans University)
- Sang-Heon Kim, M.D. (Hanyang University)
- Hyun Kyung Lee, M.D. (Inje University)
- Deputy Director of the General Business Board
- Kyung Hoon Min, M.D. (Korea University)
- Ji-Yong Moon, M.D. (Hanyang University)
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