대한결핵및호흡기학회 KATRDKATRDIC 2024

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KATRD 2024 International Conference
November 8(Thu)-10(Fri), 2024 Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Kore


Program in Detail

Friday, November 10

Symposium 19
일선진료의를 위한 결핵 강좌 1 - 결핵 관리 및 진단
(Tuberculosis Course for Frontline Clinicians 1) KOR
Friday, November 10
Chair Jae Seuk Park (Dankook University, Korea)
14:40-15:10 SY 19-1 우리나라 제3차 결핵관리 종합계획 소개
(Introduction to Third National Strategic Plan for TB Control in ROK, 2023~2027)
Hoyong Choi (Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Korea)
15:10-15:40 SY 19-2 결핵 진단, 치료 지연의 원인과 개선 방안
(The Causes of Delayed Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis and Improvement Strategies)
Jeongha Mok (Pusan National University, Korea)
15:40-16:10 SY 19-3 통상감수성검사와 신속감수성검사 불일치의 원인과 대처
(Causes and Management of Discrepancy between Molecular and Phenotypic Drug Susceptibility Testing in Tuberculosis)
Kyung-Wook Jo (University of Ulsan, Korea)
Symposium 20
일선진료의를 위한 결핵 강좌 2 - 결핵 치료 중단, 실패, 다제내성 결핵의 치료
(Tuberculosis Course for Frontline Clinicians 2) KOR
Friday, November 10
Chair Doosoo Jeon (Pusan National University, Korea)
16:20-16:50 SY 20-1 결핵치료 중단의 빈도와 예방
(Prevention and Incidence of Loss to Follow up During Anti-TB Management)
Ju Sang Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
16:50-17:20 SY 20-2 감수성 결핵의 치료 실패와 대처 방안
(Treatment Failure and Countermeasures for Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis)
Youngmok Park (Yonsei University, Korea)
17:20-17:50 SY 20-3 MDR/RR-TB 신약 심사 현황 및 치료 결과
(Current expert committee supervision and approval rate of new tuberculosis drugs in South Korea)
Yong-Soo Kwon (Chonnam National University , Korea)

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© The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases

Contact Secretariat of KATRDIC 2024
ASSEMBLE  Room 816, Starlit Seongsu Bldg., 104 Achasan-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea